Milton Mazzarri
Milton Mazzarri
6 min read


One of my first contributions into ExDoc, the tool used to produce HTML documentation for Elixir projects, was to improve the documentation build process performance. My first approach for this was to build each module page concurrently, manually sending and receiving messages between processes. Then, as you can see in the Pull Request details, Eric Meadows-Jönsson pointed out that I should look at the Task module. In this article, I’ll try to show you the path that I followed to do that contribution. The original source code was something like this:

def run(modules, config) do
  # ...
  generate_list(modules, all, output, config, has_readme)
  generate_list(exceptions, all, output, config, has_readme)
  generate_list(protocols, all, output, config, has_readme)
  # ...

defp generate_list(nodes, all, output, config, has_readme) do
  Enum.each nodes, &generate_module_page(&1, all, output, config, has_readme)

defp generate_module_page(node, modules, output, config, has_readme) do
  content = Templates.module_page(node, config, modules, has_readme)
  File.write("#{output}/#{}.html", content)

You can see that we can improve the build performance if we generate each module page concurrently. So, let’s do that in a moment!

For the purposes of this article, let me simplify the example above. So, please assume that the following was the original piece of code:

# source: demo.exs
defmodule AsyncTaskDemo do
  def run(nodes, output) do
    if File.exists? output do
      File.rm_rf! output
    File.mkdir_p! output

    generate_list(nodes, output)

  defp generate_list(nodes, output) do
    Enum.each nodes, &generate_module_page(&1, output)

  defp generate_module_page(node, output) do
    name = String.capitalize(node)
    content = EEx.eval_string "Hello <%= name %>", [name: name]
    File.write("#{output}/#{node}.txt", content)

As a second step, lets set up our test suite, in this case, we want to test a single file demo.exs.

# source: async_test.exs

Code.require_file("demo.exs", __DIR__)

defmodule AsyncTaskDemoTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "generate node pages" do
    nodes = ["john", "jane"]
    output = "doc", output)

    files =! output

    assert files == ["jane.txt", "john.txt"]

    result = for f <- files do! Path.join(output, f)

    assert result == ["Hello Jane", "Hello John"]

If we run our test suite we can see that everything is right:

$ elixir async_test.exs

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.07s on load, 0.07s on tests)
1 test, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 114000

Ok, now it’s time to introduce the concept of asynchronous tasks with Kernel.spawn/1:

defp generate_list(nodes, output) do
  Enum.each nodes, &generate_module_page_async(&1, output)

defp generate_module_page_async(node, output) do
  spawn(fn ->
    generate_module_page(node, output)

defp generate_module_page(node, output) do
  # ...

At this point, you’ll notice that now generate_list/2 calls a new function that we named generate_module_page_async/2, this function will spawn new processes, each process will generate a module page.

One problem with the earlier approach is that our program is not waiting for the results of each invocation of the generate_module_page/2 function. Basically, we’re doing a fire and forget concurrent execution, this means that the caller process doesn’t receive any feedback from the spawned function. If we run our test we’ll see that is failing:

$ elixir async_test.exs

  1) test generate node pages (AsyncTaskDemoTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code:  files == ["jane.txt", "john.txt"]
     left:  []
     right: ["jane.txt", "john.txt"]
       async_test.exs:15: (test)

Finished in 0.07 seconds (0.05s on load, 0.02s on tests)
1 test, 1 failure

Randomized with seed 47515

We can fix this error doing the following:

# source: demo.exs
  defp generate_list(nodes, output) do
    |>, output))
    |> _ ->
      receive do
        :ok -> :ok

  defp generate_module_page_async(node, output) do
    caller = self()
    spawn(fn ->
      send(caller, generate_module_page(node, output))

  defp generate_module_page(node, output) do
    # ...

Let’s run our tests:

$ elixir async_test.exs

Finished in 0.09 seconds (0.06s on load, 0.03s on tests)
1 test, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 474778

Until now, we’re assuming that the File.write/3 always returns :ok. If for some reason File.write/3 returns an {:error, reason} message we’ll get stuck. One way to solve this issue is by doing the following:

# source: demo.exs
  defp generate_list(nodes, output) do
    |>, output))
    |> _ ->
      receive do
        :ok -> :ok
        {:error, reason} -> IO.puts :stderr, "#{reason}"

Finally, if we don’t receive any message at all, we set a timeout after 5 seconds:

  defp generate_list(nodes, output) do
    |>, output))
    |> _ ->
      receive do
        :ok -> :ok
        {:error, reason} -> IO.puts :stderr, "#{reason}"
      after 5000 ->
        IO.puts :stderr, "Timeout"

With all these changes, we’re ready to send our Pull Request, but wait, there is a better way to do this.

Elixir way: Task Module

As I mentioned before at the beginning of this article, Eric pointed out that I should look at the Task module documentation, and he was absolutely right, this module offers a really good abstraction and now it’s really easy to run simple processes.

Applying the Task.async/1 to our earlier example we cut down our source code to:

defp generate_list(nodes, output) do
  |> ->
       generate_module_page(&1, output)

Task.async/1 creates a separate process that runs the generate_module_page/2 function, then, we collect each task descriptor (returned by Task.async/1), which is passed as the first value to Task.await/2, this call waits for our background process to finish and returns its value, in this case, the result of File.write/3.

You may ask yourself, how is it that with the concurrent version we can improve the overall performance?, well, that depends, first we need to take into account that our concurrent program will take advantage of a parallel computer (several processing units), if we run our program on a computer with only one CPU core, then, parallelism cannot happen.

Assume for a moment that the generate_module_page function always takes more than 2 seconds:

  defp generate_module_page(node, output) do
    name = String.capitalize(node)
    content = EEx.eval_string "Hello <%= name %>", [name: name]
    File.write("#{output}/#{node}.txt", content)

Then, with the following code we can test the performance improvements using a parallel computer:

# performance.exs
Code.require_file("demo.exs", __DIR__)

nodes = ["egg", "bacon", "spam", "sausage", "beans", "brandy", "foo", "baz"]
output = "doc"

before = System.monotonic_time(), output)

later = System.monotonic_time()
diff = later - before
seconds = System.convert_time_unit(diff, :native, :seconds)

IO.puts "Diff: #{seconds} seconds. #{diff} :native time unit"

The results are the following:

# Sequential
$ elixir performance.exs
Diff: 16 seconds. 16122888704 :native time unit
# concurrent
$ elixir performance.exs
Diff: 2 seconds. 2052834417 :native time unit

The result of our concurrent version is eightfold faster than the sequential version :)

Wrapping up

Is always good to know how concurrency works in Erlang & Elixir, where you can create new lightweight processes with spawn, and then send/receive messages to/from those processes, you can also use some abstractions given by OTP (Open Telecom Platform), in general, that’s the way you can accomplish concurrency in Erlang, but sometimes, you want to run simple processes, something like background jobs, in those cases, is good to know about the Task module, which is a really good Elixir abstraction that keep us isolated from the details and let’s concentrate on our goals.

As José Valim later tweeted, this was another entry on the “hard things made easier with Elixir” series.



Thank you to José Valim, Sebastián Magrí and Ana Rangel for reviewing drafts of this post.