Elixir’s MIME is a read-only and immutable library that embeds the MIME type database, so, users can map MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types to extensions and vice-versa. It’s a really compact project and includes nice features, which I’ll try to explain in case you’re not familiar with the library. Then, I’ll focus on MIME’s internals or how was built, and also how MIME illustrates in an elegant way so many features of Elixir itself. One of the goals, maybe the main one, of this library is to offer a performant lookup of the MIME database at runtime, that’s why new MIME types can only be added at compile-time via configuration, but we’ll talk about this option later. First, let’s review its public API.
MIME offers a short set of functions, which cover the most relevant cases when you work with MIME types.
Let’s review real quick the MIME library API, most of the examples were taken from the MIME’s documentation page.
extensions(String.t()) :: [String.t()]
Returns the extensions associated with the given MIME type.
iex> MIME.extensions("application/json")
iex> MIME.extensions("foo/bar")
type(String.t()) :: String.t()
Returns the MIME type related to the given file extension.
iex> MIME.type("txt")
from_path(Path.t()) :: String.t()
Guesses the MIME type based on the path’s extension.
iex> MIME.from_path("index.html")
has_type?(String.t()) :: boolean
Returns whether an extension has a MIME type associated.
iex> MIME.has_type?("txt")
iex> MIME.has_type?("foobarbaz")
valid?(String.t()) :: boolean
Returns whether a MIME type is registered.
iex> MIME.valid?("text/plain")
iex> MIME.valid?("foo/bar")
Who is using MIME library?
At the time of this writing, and according to the statistics available from the Hex package manager, the MIME library has 21 dependents projects, among those projects you can find: Plug, Phoenix, Tesla, Swoosh, etc., and have been downloaded almost 6 million times. But more importantly, at least to me, is how the MIME library is implemented, its code is really concise, it’s around 200 SLOC (Source Lines Of Code) including comments, and embed captivating concepts.
How was the MIME library built?
Now, let’s start looking into how the MIME library was built.
Inside of the MIME.Application.quoted/1
function you can find the following
# file: lib/mime/application.ex
mime_file = Application.app_dir(:mime, "priv/mime.types")
@compile :no_native
@external_resource mime_file
stream = File.stream!(mime_file)
mapping =
for line <- stream,
not String.starts_with?(line, ["#", "\n"]),
[type | exts] = line |> String.trim() |> String.split(),
exts != [],
do: {type, exts}
You can notice that the MIME
library transforms the data located in the
file, which is a copy of the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority) database in text format and describes what Internet media types are
sent to the client for the given file extension(s). Keep in mind that sending
the correct media type to the client is important so they know how to handle
the content of the file.
Here is an example of the priv/mime.types
file content:
# file: priv/mime.types
# IANA types
# MIME type Extensions
application/ATXML atxml
application/atom+xml atom
application/atomcat+xml atomcat
application/octet-stream bin lha lzh exe class so dll img iso
application/pdf pdf
To do the transformation, the MIME
library reads the file line by line (via
) at compile time, and ignores empty lines or lines
that start with a comment (#
). After that, it removes the leading and
trailing whitespace and then splits that line or string into a list of
substrings, the head of this list represents the mime type and the tail of
the list represents the extensions, that’s why at the end of the for
comprehension you can see an extra filter to ignore mime types that does not
have any extensions associated (e.g. application/3gpp-ims+xml
), this is an
optimization that reduces the compilation time. Finally, it creates a list of
{type, extensions}
tuples. The result of this transformation is stored in a
binding called mapping
Is important to note the usage of two Module attributes, the first one is
, which as its name implies, specifies an external resource
for the given module, this attribute is used for tools like Mix
to know if
the current module needs to be recompiled in the case that any external
resource is updated. Lastly, the @compile
attribute defines options for the
module compilation, this is used to configure both Elixir and Erlang compilers.
Once the MIME
library has transformed the data and stored the result in
, it creates two private helper functions:
The first private helper function is ext_to_mime/1
, which returns the MIME
type given an extension:
@spec ext_to_mime(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil
defp ext_to_mime(type)
for {type, exts} <- mapping,
ext <- exts do
defp ext_to_mime(unquote(ext)), do: unquote(type)
defp ext_to_mime(_ext), do: nil
library creates thousands of ext_to_mime/1
function clauses inside
of the for
comprehension, this is a clear example of the power of
meta-programming and how the MIME library relies on pattern matching to be
performant. And this is possible because of Elixir quote
and unquote
mechanisms provide a feature called unquote fragments, that way is easy to
create function on-the-fly at compile time.
To give you a better idea, here is a section of the final result:
defp ext_to_mime("atom"), do: "application/atom+xml"
defp ext_to_mime("pdf"), do: "application/pdf"
defp ext_to_mime("dll"), do: "application/octet-stream"
defp ext_to_mime("class"), do: "application/octet-stream"
# ...
defp ext_to_mime(_ext), do: nil
To complete the function declaration you see a catch-all function clause, which will be used if any match is not found.
The second private helper function declaration is mime_to_ext/1
, this
function expects a MIME type and will return a list of extensions or nil
@spec mime_to_ext(String.t()) :: list(String.t()) | nil
defp mime_to_ext(type)
for {type, exts} <- mapping do
defp mime_to_ext(unquote(type)), do: unquote(exts)
defp mime_to_ext(_type), do: nil
The result of the transformation should be similar to:
defp mime_to_ext("application/atom+xml"), do: ["atom"]
defp mime_to_ext("application/octet-stream"),
do: ["bin", "lha", "lzh", "exe", "class", "so", "dll", "img", "iso"]
defp mime_to_ext("application/pdf"), do: ["pdf"]
# ...
defp mime_to_ext(_type), do: nil
From here, is easy to build the public functions:
@spec valid?(String.t()) :: boolean
def valid?(type) do
def extensions(type) do
mime_to_ext(type) || []
@default_type "application/octet-stream"
@spec type(String.t()) :: String.t()
def type(file_extension) do
ext_to_mime(file_extension) || @default_type
def has_type?(file_extension) do
def from_path(path) do
case Path.extname(path) do
"." <> ext -> type(downcase(ext, ""))
_ -> @default_type
defp downcase(<<h, t::binary>>, acc) when h in ?A..?Z,
do: downcase(t, <<acc::binary, h + 32>>)
defp downcase(<<h, t::binary>>, acc), do: downcase(t, <<acc::binary, h>>)
defp downcase(<<>>, acc), do: acc
That’s it!, at least with these functions, the MIME library cover the main features. But wait, there is more, do you remember that at the beginning I mentioned the following:
One of the goals, maybe the main one, of this library is to be provide a performant lookup of the MIME database at runtime, that’s why new MIME types can only be added at compile-time via configuration, but we’ll talk about this option later…
So, this means that we can add a MIME type like application/wasm
for the
extension: wasm
, which have been added to the provisional standard media
type registry but is not official yet.
Via configuration you can do the following:
# file: config/config.exs
use Mix.Config
config :mime, :types, %{"application/wasm" => ["wasm"]}
Then, MIME needs to be recompiled, using Mix
you can do the following:
mix deps.clean mime --build
mix deps.get
You can test the result via IEx
iex> MIME.type("wasm")
iex> MIME.extensions("application/wasm")
Now you may be wondering, how does it work? and that’s an excellent question, let’s try to find an answer to that.
In the previous function declarations of ext_to_mime/1
and mime_to_ext/1
I’ve omitted two function clauses on purpose, which are specifically related
with the custom types handling, let’s see the whole declaration for those two
functions now:
@spec ext_to_mime(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil
defp ext_to_mime(type)
for {type, exts} <- custom_types,
ext <- List.wrap(exts) do
defp ext_to_mime(unquote(ext)), do: unquote(type)
for {type, exts} <- mapping,
ext <- exts do
defp ext_to_mime(unquote(ext)), do: unquote(type)
defp ext_to_mime(_ext), do: nil
@spec mime_to_ext(String.t()) :: list(String.t()) | nil
defp mime_to_ext(type)
for {type, exts} <- custom_types do
defp mime_to_ext(unquote(type)), do: unquote(List.wrap(exts))
for {type, exts} <- mapping do
defp mime_to_ext(unquote(type)), do: unquote(exts)
defp mime_to_ext(_type), do: nil
Now you can see that these custom MIME types come first. But wait a minute,
where is custom_types
binding coming from?, well that’s the first argument of
the MIME.Application.quoted/1
There is another function that uses the custom_types
binding, and that’s
, which as its name implies, returns the custom types
compiled into the MIME library.
def compiled_custom_types do
The last thing that I want to mention related to the function
is that this function returns a quoted
def quoted(custom_types) do
quote bind_quoted: [custom_types: Macro.escape(custom_types)] do
mime_file = Application.app_dir(:mime, "priv/mime.types")
@compile :no_native
# ...
You can see here that the bind_quoted
option is passing a binding to the
macro, please keep in mind that the bind_quoted
option is recommended every
time you want to inject a value into the quote
If you execute the function MIME.Application.quoted/1
in a IEx
session you
will get something like this:
iex> MIME.Application.quoted(%{})
{:__block__, [],
{:=, [], [{:custom_types, [], MIME.Application}, {:%{}, [], []}]},
{:__block__, [],
{:@, [context: MIME.Application, import: Kernel],
{:moduledoc, [context: MIME.Application],
# ...
So, our beloved MIME.Application.quoted/1
function is actually returning an
Elixir data structure. But, who consumes that data structure? Let’s check the
file contents:
# file: lib/mime.ex
quoted = MIME.Application.quoted(Application.get_env(:mime, :types, %{}))
Module.create(MIME, quoted, __ENV__)
Believe me, that’s all the content on lib/mime.ex
at the moment. In the first
line, you can see a call to MIME.Application.quoted/1
passing as argument the
custom MIME types defined via configuration or an empty map as a fallback, the
result of that invocation is stored in the quoted
binding. Then, the second
line will create a module with the given name of MIME
and it will be defined
by the previous quoted expression, keep in mind that the function
, compared with Kernel.defmodule/2
, is preferred when the
module body is a quoted expression and another advantage is that
allow you to control the environment variables used when
defining the module.
Automatic recompilation
When we started talking about how to add custom MIME types via configuration,
we also mentioned that we need to recompile the library. So, what happens
in the case you forget about doing that? Well, your changes will not take
effect until the dependency is manually recompiled, and before the release
you didn’t see any warning about it.
Since version 1.3.0
of the MIME library, the recompilation process is
automatic if the compile-time database is out of date.
# file: lib/mime/application.ex
defmodule MIME.Application do
use Application
require Logger
def start(_, _) do
app = Application.fetch_env!(:mime, :types)
if app != MIME.compiled_custom_types() do
The :mime library has been compiled with the following custom types:
But it is being started with the following types:
We are going to dynamically recompile it during boot,
but please clean the :mime dependency to make sure it is recompiled:
$ mix deps.clean mime --build
Module.create(MIME, quoted(app), __ENV__)
Supervisor.start_link([], strategy: :one_for_one)
def quoted(custom_types) do
# ...
So, what this means is that the MIME
library at boot-time, will log an error
and will try to dynamically recompile the MIME
module if the custom mime
types of the user environment are different from the ones returned by
, which is great! but, as the log messages
says, it’s recommended to clean the :mime
dependency to make sure it’s
Elixir MIME
is a short but powerful library, its goal is clear, and in just
around 200 SLOC you can see a lot of nice concepts, like meta-programming,
file streams, pattern matching, macros, unquote fragments, dynamic
module creation, dynamic recompilation at boot-time, among other really cool
That’s all folks! Thanks for reading.